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You're viewing Mall Tycoon 3 Cheat Codes

Game Name : Mall Tycoon 3
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-09-21 05:32:59
Views : 33375

Cheat mode keys:
Press one of the following keys after enabling the iamacheater code:

Result - Key:

Increase tier to the "Top Tier" - U
Increase gamma value - [Ctrl] + (Plus)
Decrease gamma value - [Ctrl] + (Minus)
Toggle game interface - [Ctrl] + I
Spawn Young Male at pointer - 3
Spawn Young Female at pointer - 4
Spawn Middle-Aged Male enters mall at pointer - 5
Spawn Middle-Aged Female enters mall at pointer - 6
Spawn Old Male at pointer - 7
Spawn Old Female at pointer - 8
Additional $5,000 - M
Display tile or item information - D
Increase reputation - R
Decrease reputation - [Shift] + R
Toggle a grid display - G
Change camera view - K

Cheat mode
Type at the main menu or during game play:

Result - Code:

Toggle AI debugging - debugai
Toggle All debugging options - catdebug
Toggle cheat mode keys - iamacheater
Enable game debug mode - gamedebug
Enable engine debug mode - enginedebug
Toggle safe mouse pointer - safemouse
Ground type editor - bedit
Enable movie capture - moviecapture
Enable CatEdit game editor after entering engine debug or game debug mode - catedit

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Mall Tycoon 3 Cheat Codes at Jumbo Cheats
Mall Tycoon 3 Cheat Codes at Cheat Patch
Mall Tycoon 3 Cheats at A Cheat Codes
Mall Tycoon 3 Cheat Codes at Game Score

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